Today Fia Ldc Paper PDF, and Readable Form Quizesoft

 Today Fia Ldc Paper PDF, and Readable Form

Quizesoft,Today FIA Paper, FIA LDC Paper, FIA PastPaper, LDC Paper, GK, FIA Notes

1.K.k. Aziz wrote book name?
Answer: Khursheed Kamal Aziz
2.Bativa old name of?
Answer: Jakarta
3.LDA stand for?
Answer: Lahore Development Authority
4.Ctrl+z key for previous action?
Answer: Redo CTRL+Y
5.Professional social media app?
Answer: Twitter
6.Social media app to sharing pics n videos?
Answer: Facebook
7.Lack Jackson location?
Answer: City in Texas
8.Rainiest place of Pakistan?
Answer: Islamabad
9.Objective movement present for?
Answer: Social movement
10.East Pakistan new name? 
Answer: state of Bangladesh
11.Pakistan wins first hockey final for gold medal in which year?
Answer: 1960
12.Australia won world cup final 2007 against?
Answer: Sri Lanka
13.1989 which international organization became?
Answer: United Nations
1 bit=   ?
Answer: 8 Bytes
14.Bigest unit of memory?
Answer: TB(Tara Bite)
15.MB stand for?
Answer: Mega Bites
16. Educating the people through computer? 
Answer: Online
17. Brazil won football cups how many times?
Answer: Five Times
18. In quba hazart Muhammad s.a hosted by?

19. Zkat & usher ordinanc year? 
20. Nissab of Gold zkat?
21.Rooh ullah?
22. Azan not compulsory for two prayers?
23. Nehro report presented under the chairmanship of?
24. Cutting the trees creat disturbance to?
25. Saark organization HQ location?
26. Inthe absence of president of Pakistan who become president?
27. In Ms Excel coulmn present in? Numbers, roman number etc
28. In power point first slide name?
29. Biggest export of Pakistan?
30. Pakistan joined seeto& sennto years?
31. Biggest cell in human body?
32. Pituitary gland work?
33. Balochistan area percentage total area of Pakistan?
34. Sir Creek line between India and Pakistan which boundary?

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